
FASShip® programs were developed by FDI and coordinated with DCMA in November 2008, to reduce shipment cycle times. During the first 6 months of FDI's new FASShip® program, 68% of FDI's FMS shipments qualified for FASShip® processing. In addition, average materials processing time for FMS shipments dropped from 23 days to 7 days. FASShip® has shortened urgent cycle times to as little as four hours speeding the products to military End-Users.

FASShip® automates DCMA shipping instructions, DD-250's, receiving documents, product photographs, shipping documents and QAR release under FDI's ARP status thereby saving days or weeks from cycle times.

  • You want shipments FAST.
  • You want your shipments ACCURATE.
  • You want FDI's FASShip®!